Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do we really know about drumming?

The earliest known appearance of the drum stems from Neolithic times. Excavations dated to around 6000 B.C. have turned up primitive versions of these instruments.

Read more: History of Drums & Percussion |

Friday, August 5, 2011

Promoting Community

As most of you know, I have been spending a lot time planning our one year benefit celebration, FLOWSTIVAL and have been on the phone with many drum circle organizers through out the state. I have been talking to them about talking to our community as a whole during the festival about the "history of drumming and poi".

Through these discussions on the phone, we have all come to the realization that we are in "it", meaning organizers of drum circles, because of our dedication to promote a sustainable, resourceful and growing community.

In closing,  I am going to be dedicating this month's posts to the history of drumming.

I would love to invite you all to share we me your thoughts of the heritage of drumming, even if it is just your personal experience.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stress at work, F*%K!!!

Have you ever had a stressful day at work when nothing seems to go right? Maybe it starts at home with not being able to match the right shoes or tie or someone cuts you off in the morning commute. Maybe your boss or employee just don't want to play nice. Maybe it's a client who just can't make up their mind. We have all experienced stress or some type at some time. 

How are we dealing with it at work? Are you finding yourself tapping your desk? What are you doing to do to deal with it so you don't have to scream or are you walking outside and bellowing to the top of your lungs?

Christine Stevens, renowned drum facilitator, interviews Top Executives of Toyota Motor Corporation, where I work at the dealership level, on the beneficial effects of Corporate Drumming.

"The Benefits of Corporate Group Drumming Helps control stress"
  • Strengthens your Team
  • Boosts morale
  • Inspires self-expression
  • Reduces burnout
  • Improves mood states
  • Employees get some gentle exercise
  • People enjoy creating rhythms
"Ways to Use Group Drumming in Corporations"
  • Conference keynotes
  • Ice Breaker sessions
  • Energizers
for more information click here.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Friend Died Today

You never know how you are going to feel when someone informs you of such a tragedy. My first reaction was to console that person who had the courage to brave the selflessness to explain how it happened. I can't tell you in one breathe how drumming has changed my life. Drumming has given me the expansion to express my feelings in so many ways. My first thought related to our inherit rhythm, "heart beat", boom-boom-bata-bata-boom-boom-ba. This is a rhythm taught to many first time drummers to help them get in to sync with their natural expression.

My thoughts of that rhythm sadden me to know that he would no longer share that rhythm with the rest of us.